

Department of Chemistry


NIQ for Purchase of Chemicals

Please quote for the following articles/articles so as to reach the undersigned   on 09.06.2016

1.     The quality, make, packing and other particulars of each item should clearly be stated/indicated in your quotation.

2.     It should clearly be stated whether the rates are inclusive / exclusive of SALE TAX etc.

3.     The rates of INSURANCE if any should be specified. The firm will be required to submit original payees receipt alongwith bill. NO PAYMENT OF INSURANCE CHARGES IS PERMISSIBLE UNLESS THESE REQUIREMENTS ARE COMPLIED WITH.


5.     Please quote only for the items available in ‘READY STOCK.’

6.     Please quote only for the make required and strictly according to the specifications etc.

7.     Please also indicate the DISCOUNT separately, if any

8.     While submitting the quotation please on the OUTER ENVELOPE, ‘QUOTATIONS TO BE OPENED ON 10.06.2016 and the envelope be put in another envelope address to Professor P. Venugopalan, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh – 160014, (By Name)

9.     Please send the quotation by Regd. post/Courier.


1.    List of Chemicals & Glassware (one set)

2.    Please return after filling the rates in at the proper place.


            Note:  Only quote brand/make mentioned in the quotation, otherwise   the same will be rejected.

Click here to view: NIQ for Purchase of Chemicals

  Dated: 25/05/2016
1. 15/10/2024NIQ for the purchase of “pH meter with pH Temperature compensation -20.0 to 120.0 C”
2. 07/10/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
3. 13/08/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
4. 04/08/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
5. 20/03/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
6. 06/02/2020NIQ for Catering Service for Prof. R.C. Paul Symposium
7. 05/02/2020NIQ for the purchase of “REGISTRATION/PRINTING MATERIAL”
8. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Colorimeter (3 Quantity)
9. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Weighing Balance (3 Quantity)
10. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Magnetic Stirrer (9 Quantity)
11. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Digital melting point apparatus (2 Quantity)
12. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Conductivity meter (3 Quantity)
13. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of pH meter (3 Quantity)
14. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Water Aspirator (2 Qty.)
15. 10/12/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible spectrophotometer
16. 27/09/2019NIQ for the purchase of Laptop
17. 13/09/2019NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
18. 30/08/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Electrochemical Workstation
19. 20/05/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Compact versatile Non-Refrigerated micro centrifuge
20. 14/05/2019 NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Electrochemical Workstation & HPLC
21. 29/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of UV light source cum Photoreactor
22. 22/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Tube Rotor
23. 22/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Rotor : 6X 15ml/ 50ml
24. 22/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Compact versatile Non-Refrigerated micro centrifuge
25. 19/04/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Electrometer/High Resistance Meter
26. 20/03/2019NIQ for the Purchase Rotary evaporator with high vacuum pump
27. 21/02/2019NIQ for the Purchase of High Vacuum Pump
28. 05/02/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for HPLC System, Electrochemical workstation and Electrometer/High Resistance Meter
29. 04/02/2019NIQ for Catering Service for Prof. R.C. Paul Symposium 2019
30. 04/02/2019NIQ for Printing Material for Prof R.C. Paul National Symposium 2019
31. 21/01/2019NIQ for the purchase of high Temperature Magnetic Stirrer
32. 18/01/2019NIQ For the purchase of Upright Showcase freezer
33. 28/08/2018NIQ for the purchase of 2KVA UPS
34. 28/08/2018NIQ for the purchase of Desktop Computer
35. 21/08/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
36. 08/06/2018NIQ for the purchase of Mac Air book
37. 04/06/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
38. 10/05/2018NIQ for the purchase of Educational & Technical Material
39. 08/05/2018NIQ for Green Lab Facility with Provision of Laboratory Workstations, Fume Hood, UVCabinet, , Temp/humidity Display Monitor Static Pass Box, Alkali/Abrasion resistant floor, Aluminum section
40. 20/04/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
41. 05/04/2018NIQ for the purchase of Mac Air book
42. 27/03/2018NIQ for the purchase of Hot Air Oven
43. 09/03/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
44. 28/02/2018NIQ for the purchase of Mac Air Book
45. 28/02/2018NIQ for the purchase of Analytical weighing Balance
46. 12/02/2018NIQ for purchase of Analytical Balance
47. 25/01/2018NIQ for purchase of Water Chiller
48. 25/01/2018NIQ for Registration Material for Prof R.C. Paul National Symposium
49. 25/01/2018NIQ for Printing Material for Prof R.C. Paul National Symposium
50. 25/01/2018NIQ for Catering Service for Prof. R.C. Paul Symposium
51. 22/01/2018Hand Held UV lamp with Automatic Safety Switch
52. 19/12/2017NIQ for purchase of Window A.C.
53. 18/12/2017NIQ for purchase of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer(with Accessories)
54. 18/12/2017NIQ for purchase of Hand Held UV lamp with Automatic Safety Switch
55. 24/11/2017NIQ for purchase of Deep Freezer (up to -20 degree Celsius)
56. 16/11/2017NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer
57. 27/10/2017NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer
58. 27/10/2017NIQ for the purchase of laptop
59. 27/10/2017NIQ for the purchase of Desktop computer
60. 27/10/2017NIQ for the purchase of Desktop computer
61. 26/10/2017NIQ for purchase of Ultrasonic Cleaner
62. 25/10/2017NIQ for purchase of SMF Batteries (qty 15)
63. 16/10/2017NIQ for purchase of Homogenizer
64. 04/10/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Desktop Computer
65. 04/10/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Laptop
66. 04/10/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Desktop Computer
67. 19/09/2017NIQ for purchase of Muffle-cum-Tubular Furnace with a good quality PID Controller
68. 18/09/2017NIQ for purchase of Micro-centrifuge
69. 14/09/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Desktop Computer , Printer and UPS
70. 14/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Spin Coater
71. 09/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Split A.C.
72. 08/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Refrigerator
73. 08/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Weighing Balance
74. 26/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Chemicals
75. 25/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Ultrasonic Bath and Refrigerator
76. 13/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Spin Coater
77. 11/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Weighing Balance
78. 29/06/2017NIQ for purchase of Micro-centrifuge
79. 28/06/2017NIQ for purchase of Printer
80. 22/06/2017NIQ for purchase of Hot and Cold Split A.C.
81. 23/05/2017NIQ for purchase of Split A.C.
82. 19/05/2017NIQ for purchase of Hot and Cold Split A.C.
83. 08/05/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Laptop
84. 10/03/2017NIQ for purchase of Vacuum Pump (without oil) (1 Qty)
85. 10/03/2017NIQ for the Purchase of Sonicator (1Qty)
86. 10/03/2017NIQ for the Purchase of High Temperature Universal Oven
87. 10/03/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Pavilion Laptop
89. 19/10/2016NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer and UPS
90. 20/09/2016NIQ for purchase of LPG Pipeline
91. 15/09/2016NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer
92. 15/09/2016NIQ for purchase of Melting point apparatus
93. 03/09/2016NIQ for purchase of Laptop
94. 22/08/2016NIQ for purchase of Centrifuge Machine
95. 19/08/2016NIQ for purchase of LPG Pipeline
96. 10/08/2016NIQ for purchase of Computer Notebook
97. 29/07/2016NIQ for purchase of Apparatus
98. 27/07/2016NIQ for purchase of chemicals
99. 26/07/2016 NIQ for purchase of Computer, Printer & UPS
100. 22/07/2016NIQ for purchase of LCD Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer = 4
101. 22/07/2016NIQ for purchase of Digital Analytical Balance
102. 19/07/2016NIQ for Purchase of Window AC
103. 19/07/2016NIQ for Purchase of Split AC
104. 19/07/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop computer and Notebook
105. 29/06/2016NIQ for purchase of LCD Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer
106. 17/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Paper
107. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Centrifuge(Non refrigerated)
108. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of HP Workstation
109. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Window AC
110. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Split AC
111. 26/04/2016NIQ for Purchase of Multiple-position hot plate stirrer
112. 20/04/2016NIQ for Purchase of Culture Plates etc.
113. 11/04/2016NIQ for Purchase of AC
114. 30/03/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop Computer
115. 16/03/2016NIQ for Purchase of Office Table
116. 25/02/2016NIQ for Purchasing of Desktop Computer and other Items
117. 24/02/2016NIQ For Purchase of UV-VIS spectrophotometer
118. 10/02/2016NIQ for Purchase of office table
119. 10/02/2016NIQ for Purchase of Godrej Chairs
120. 03/02/2016NIQ for purchase of Computer
121. 03/02/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop Computer
122. 03/02/2016NIQ for purchase of Refrigerator
123. 08/01/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop Computer
124. 08/01/2016NIQ FOR Cattering Service
125. 08/01/2016NIQ FOR HIRE OF TAXIES

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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