

Department of Chemistry

Infrastructural facilities


The department of chemistry is housed in three storey building. The ground floor is dedicated to inorganic/organomettalic chemistry. The first and second floor houses organic and physical chemistry respectively. There are three well-equipped practical halls for undergraduate practiclas to conduct inorganic, organic and physical chemistry practicals. There are 20 research labs. There are 5 big classrooms and an auditorium. One seminar hall adds to the beauty of the department. There are separate rooms for teachers. Chemicals and glass apparatus are kept separately in two big rooms situated in the basement. Two rooms are assigned for workshop activities. There is a Computer lab equipped with latest 30 PCs available for use by students, Research students and faculty. The latest addition is state of the art Central Instrument Laboratory comprising of 10 cabins which houses most of the instruments.

The library of the Chemistry Department, Panjab University, Chandigarh, is perhaps one of the best libraries in the Northern region. It has an excellent collection of invaluable chemistry materials such as research journals, advanced serials, monographs, conference proceedings, state-of-the-art reviews, reference books, chemistry encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, compendiums, year books, text books, etc. It is this library that stocks the complete sets of back volumes of Chemical Abstracts (since 1907, i.e. the inception of the publication of CA), which is the omnibus source of chemistry information available beyond Delhi. Now the Chemical Abstracts is available online in our library through SciFinder Scholar Database under the Official Consortia of UGC.s sponsored INFLIBNET. Apart from the Chemical Abstracts, the number of other journals and serial are also available in our library online through the same database such as all the reputed journals being published by American Chemical Society, Washington, DC and Royal Society of Chemistry, London. Therefore, on the basis of its rich stock of information materials, chemistry library has been providing many services to the users. Its facilities are often being utilized by users from many science departments of this University and other Universities of the region. It also offers Institutional Membership to the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries and Institutions. For these services, our library occupies a special position in the University.

Instrumental Facilities for Outside User


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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