Project Name | Funding agency | Project duration | Project Amount (Rs) | Date of starting | Date of completion |
Thermo physical...additives under Prof. S.K.Mehta | UGC | 3 Year | 6,16000/- | 28.02.2005 | 27.02.2008 |
Effects of additives on the internal dynamics & properties under Prof. S.K.Mehta | CSIR | 3 Year | 6,55,500/- | 07.01.2005 | 06.01.2008 |
Quantitative description of formation of self-assembly of surfactants in the presence of additives Prof. S.K. Mehta | CSIR | 3 years | 9,00,000/- | 30.6.2009 | 06.09.2012 |
On the behaviour of reverse micelles in the presence of an external entity. Prof. S.K. Mehta | DST | 3 years | 24,00,000 | 1.3.2007 | 31.12.2009 |
Arsenic and Selenium Toxicity using Neutron Activation Analysis Prof. Alok Srivastava | UGC | 4 years | 2,50,000/- + nuclear reactor time | Ist Jan 2007. | 31.12.2010 |
Development of steroselective process from Lewis acid complexation of tertiary amines Dr. K.N.Singh | CSIR DAE | 3 years | 20,32,000/- | 1.4.2007 | 31.03.2010 |
Studies on Novel silatranes Dr.Gurjaspreet Singh | UGC | 3 years | 7,96,800/- | 1.5.2009 | 30.4.2012 |
A Current Density Functional study of strong ...atoms and Molecules under Dr. Vikas | DST | 3 years | 7,34,400/- | 3.5.2007 | 3.5.2010 |
Project entitled "Electronic Structure and properties of atomic nano chemistry under Dr.(Mrs.)Neetu Gupta | DST | 3 Year | 15,61,000/- | 26.12.07 | 25.11.2010 |
Project entitled, Studies towards incorporation of selenium and terrarium in the B-Lactam heterocycle & their biological activities under Dr.Aman Bhalla | DST | 3 year | 18,48,000/- | 19.07.2007 | 18.06.2010 |
Project entitled Metallation of C-H bonds activated by heteroatom lewis acid complexation under Prof. S.V.Kessar | DST | 3 year | 20,32,000/- | 11.4.2008 | 31.3.2011 |
Project entitled Studdies of Metal Complexes Containing Pyridine -2,6-dicarboxamide ONO and Pyridine -2,6-dithiocarboxamide SNSdoner Ligands under Prof. Pratibha Kapoor | CSIR | 3 years | 3,82,000/- | 01.07.06 | 30.6.2009 |
Synthesis characterization & reactivity of x-aryl and x,x-diaryl fluoroacetophenones Dr. T.V.Singh | UGC | 3 years | 10,42,000/- | 1.5.2009 | 30.4.2012 |
Project entitled "Cox -2inhibitors physico-chemical properties in relation to development of formulations" under Prof. Neelam Seedher | UGC | 3 years | 3,30,000/- | 1.5.2006 | 30.4.2009 |
Project entitled "Cationic Cobalt (III) Complexes as Anion receptors synthesis characterization X-ray structural Studies of Cobalt (III)Complex Salts under Prof. Raj Pal Sharma | CSIR | 3 years | 3,17,500/- | 29.11.2005 | 28.11.2008 |
Project entitle " Cationic-salt" Prof. Raj Pal Sharma | UGC | 3 1/2 | 5,56,314/- | 01.04.2007 | 31.09.2010 |
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