

Department of Chemistry


NIQ for purchase of Water Chiller

NIQ for purchase of Water Chiller

Click here to view: NIQ for purchase of Water Chiller

  Dated: 25/01/2018
1. 15/10/2024NIQ for the purchase of “pH meter with pH Temperature compensation -20.0 to 120.0 C”
2. 07/10/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
3. 13/08/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
4. 04/08/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
5. 20/03/2020NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
6. 06/02/2020NIQ for Catering Service for Prof. R.C. Paul Symposium
7. 05/02/2020NIQ for the purchase of “REGISTRATION/PRINTING MATERIAL”
8. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Colorimeter (3 Quantity)
9. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Weighing Balance (3 Quantity)
10. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Magnetic Stirrer (9 Quantity)
11. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Digital melting point apparatus (2 Quantity)
12. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Conductivity meter (3 Quantity)
13. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of pH meter (3 Quantity)
14. 20/12/2019NIQ for the purchase of Water Aspirator (2 Qty.)
15. 10/12/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for UV-Visible spectrophotometer
16. 27/09/2019NIQ for the purchase of Laptop
17. 13/09/2019NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
18. 30/08/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Electrochemical Workstation
19. 20/05/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Compact versatile Non-Refrigerated micro centrifuge
20. 14/05/2019 NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Electrochemical Workstation & HPLC
21. 29/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of UV light source cum Photoreactor
22. 22/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Tube Rotor
23. 22/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Rotor : 6X 15ml/ 50ml
24. 22/04/2019NIQ for the Purchase of Compact versatile Non-Refrigerated micro centrifuge
25. 19/04/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for Electrometer/High Resistance Meter
26. 20/03/2019NIQ for the Purchase Rotary evaporator with high vacuum pump
27. 21/02/2019NIQ for the Purchase of High Vacuum Pump
28. 05/02/2019NOTICE FOR e-TENDERING for HPLC System, Electrochemical workstation and Electrometer/High Resistance Meter
29. 04/02/2019NIQ for Catering Service for Prof. R.C. Paul Symposium 2019
30. 04/02/2019NIQ for Printing Material for Prof R.C. Paul National Symposium 2019
31. 21/01/2019NIQ for the purchase of high Temperature Magnetic Stirrer
32. 18/01/2019NIQ For the purchase of Upright Showcase freezer
33. 28/08/2018NIQ for the purchase of 2KVA UPS
34. 28/08/2018NIQ for the purchase of Desktop Computer
35. 21/08/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
36. 08/06/2018NIQ for the purchase of Mac Air book
37. 04/06/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
38. 10/05/2018NIQ for the purchase of Educational & Technical Material
39. 08/05/2018NIQ for Green Lab Facility with Provision of Laboratory Workstations, Fume Hood, UVCabinet, , Temp/humidity Display Monitor Static Pass Box, Alkali/Abrasion resistant floor, Aluminum section
40. 20/04/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
41. 05/04/2018NIQ for the purchase of Mac Air book
42. 27/03/2018NIQ for the purchase of Hot Air Oven
43. 09/03/2018NIQ for the purchase of Workstation
44. 28/02/2018NIQ for the purchase of Mac Air Book
45. 28/02/2018NIQ for the purchase of Analytical weighing Balance
46. 12/02/2018NIQ for purchase of Analytical Balance
47. 25/01/2018NIQ for Registration Material for Prof R.C. Paul National Symposium
48. 25/01/2018NIQ for Printing Material for Prof R.C. Paul National Symposium
49. 25/01/2018NIQ for Catering Service for Prof. R.C. Paul Symposium
50. 22/01/2018Hand Held UV lamp with Automatic Safety Switch
51. 19/12/2017NIQ for purchase of Window A.C.
52. 18/12/2017NIQ for purchase of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer(with Accessories)
53. 18/12/2017NIQ for purchase of Hand Held UV lamp with Automatic Safety Switch
54. 24/11/2017NIQ for purchase of Deep Freezer (up to -20 degree Celsius)
55. 16/11/2017NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer
56. 27/10/2017NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer
57. 27/10/2017NIQ for the purchase of laptop
58. 27/10/2017NIQ for the purchase of Desktop computer
59. 27/10/2017NIQ for the purchase of Desktop computer
60. 26/10/2017NIQ for purchase of Ultrasonic Cleaner
61. 25/10/2017NIQ for purchase of SMF Batteries (qty 15)
62. 16/10/2017NIQ for purchase of Homogenizer
63. 04/10/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Desktop Computer
64. 04/10/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Laptop
65. 04/10/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Desktop Computer
66. 19/09/2017NIQ for purchase of Muffle-cum-Tubular Furnace with a good quality PID Controller
67. 18/09/2017NIQ for purchase of Micro-centrifuge
68. 14/09/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Desktop Computer , Printer and UPS
69. 14/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Spin Coater
70. 09/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Split A.C.
71. 08/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Refrigerator
72. 08/08/2017NIQ for purchase of Weighing Balance
73. 26/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Chemicals
74. 25/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Ultrasonic Bath and Refrigerator
75. 13/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Spin Coater
76. 11/07/2017NIQ for purchase of Weighing Balance
77. 29/06/2017NIQ for purchase of Micro-centrifuge
78. 28/06/2017NIQ for purchase of Printer
79. 22/06/2017NIQ for purchase of Hot and Cold Split A.C.
80. 23/05/2017NIQ for purchase of Split A.C.
81. 19/05/2017NIQ for purchase of Hot and Cold Split A.C.
82. 08/05/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Laptop
83. 10/03/2017NIQ for purchase of Vacuum Pump (without oil) (1 Qty)
84. 10/03/2017NIQ for the Purchase of Sonicator (1Qty)
85. 10/03/2017NIQ for the Purchase of High Temperature Universal Oven
86. 10/03/2017NIQ for purchase of HP Pavilion Laptop
88. 19/10/2016NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer and UPS
89. 20/09/2016NIQ for purchase of LPG Pipeline
90. 15/09/2016NIQ for purchase of Desktop Computer
91. 15/09/2016NIQ for purchase of Melting point apparatus
92. 03/09/2016NIQ for purchase of Laptop
93. 22/08/2016NIQ for purchase of Centrifuge Machine
94. 19/08/2016NIQ for purchase of LPG Pipeline
95. 10/08/2016NIQ for purchase of Computer Notebook
96. 29/07/2016NIQ for purchase of Apparatus
97. 27/07/2016NIQ for purchase of chemicals
98. 26/07/2016 NIQ for purchase of Computer, Printer & UPS
99. 22/07/2016NIQ for purchase of LCD Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer = 4
100. 22/07/2016NIQ for purchase of Digital Analytical Balance
101. 19/07/2016NIQ for Purchase of Window AC
102. 19/07/2016NIQ for Purchase of Split AC
103. 19/07/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop computer and Notebook
104. 29/06/2016NIQ for purchase of LCD Digital Magnetic Hotplate Stirrer
105. 25/05/2016NIQ for Purchase of Chemicals
106. 17/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Paper
107. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Centrifuge(Non refrigerated)
108. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of HP Workstation
109. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Window AC
110. 12/05/2016NIQ for purchase of Split AC
111. 26/04/2016NIQ for Purchase of Multiple-position hot plate stirrer
112. 20/04/2016NIQ for Purchase of Culture Plates etc.
113. 11/04/2016NIQ for Purchase of AC
114. 30/03/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop Computer
115. 16/03/2016NIQ for Purchase of Office Table
116. 25/02/2016NIQ for Purchasing of Desktop Computer and other Items
117. 24/02/2016NIQ For Purchase of UV-VIS spectrophotometer
118. 10/02/2016NIQ for Purchase of office table
119. 10/02/2016NIQ for Purchase of Godrej Chairs
120. 03/02/2016NIQ for purchase of Computer
121. 03/02/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop Computer
122. 03/02/2016NIQ for purchase of Refrigerator
123. 08/01/2016NIQ for Purchase of Desktop Computer
124. 08/01/2016NIQ FOR Cattering Service
125. 08/01/2016NIQ FOR HIRE OF TAXIES

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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